Updated: 2025-01-04 Sat 12:19

Fun with Org Mode

I have been having a lot of fun playing around on Org Mode, not for its primary intended purpose, which is to have your life in plain text, but to play around building site. I learnt some elisp, some org mode, some HTML and some CSS. JS is where I draw the line though. I think I am going to stop fiddling around further though.

The main thing left is figure out how to convert Orgzly notes to files in my ’shorts’ format. Once I get that flow working, I don’t need to open emacs on termux on phone. Instead I can just create a note on Orgzly (maybe with appropriate tags) and post syncing the new note, it can create a new short on the site. I like that all that I create will be available in plaintext. Also that beyond the HTML export part from Org Mode, I understand most of what is happening.

I have brought all my previous short posts from the tiddlywiki site. Though it was tedious. I wrote a basic python script that reads the JSON export and then converted that to the template format for my short.

Irritatingly, the ordering of the shorts was lost in the process. I have no idea how but the org-publish-find-date function is returning a weird value for a lot of file dates. It is not catching the ’DATE’ keyword or the latest modification time.

In fact, I wrote another script that sorted all the shorts based on the name (the names themselves contain the date) so it should have been published in the anti-chronological order. But no dice. I suspect some sort of caching is happening but I am not proficient enough in elisp to understand how and where. Searching online didn’t help as well. I might have to check on mastodon for a solution but as of now it is good enough so I am not bothering much.

Next step is to also export the previous blog posts and have it included here, but there are many that have pictures as well which is going to be slightly more involved. I need to first at least bring over the text here and I can worry about the rest later.

’Til Later