Updated: 2025-01-04 Sat 12:19

Longform Writing

It has been such a long time since I did any form of longform writing. I have been posting on Mastodon and my website but it has all been in shortform, maybe a line or two. The elusive search for the perfect has as expected resulted in zero output. Also, to be quite honest, I have not even thought about writing anything serious or not in a longform for some time. I am not really sure why that has happened.

I just checked what I had last posted that was more than a couple of lines long and it looks like it was a post about me trying out different types of static site generators and finally reverting to TiddlyWiki to just hold everything. I thought about posting regularly with TiddlyWiki but once I changed the journal type of tiddler to be sort of a short text with a default title of datetime, it was finito.

I guess one reason I have not posted anything is that I don’t have a particular niche that I would like to write about. I am interested in a lot of things but feels like not really deeply interested in anything. Most people who write frequently have found that one genre or niche where they become sort of an authority. I need to find something similar for myself.

TiddlyWiki really does not feel like a good format for hosting longform content tbh. The friction is pretty much zero but dunno, it doesn’t look as good as the other sites I see. And I have almost zero interest in learning theming or such. Especially in JavaScript. I am once again tempted to pick one of the million static site generators and build something for myself. Ark, the successor of Ivy (which I used for a hot second) looks interesting.

My habit of going down rabbit holes and then completely forgetting about the rabbit and ending up in Lothlorien is also another reason why I am not writing anything. The umpteen junk social media as well as RoyalRoad fiction I consume is probably the most important reason.

I feel like writing now and that is why I have even written this much. I would like to make this a habit somehow. Writing with minimum friction and generating output that looks good is what I need. For now I will post this in my TiddlyWiki page itself but expect to see this elsewhere as well. Probably not the slop generated when you next type something in xGPT.

’Til Later